And the back:

We are pretty happy with it.
What do you think?
Knitting, reedmaking and daily doings by Doublereeder2 (AKA Cecioboe). Oh yes, and food. Did I mention food?
We are pretty happy with it.
What do you think?
Posted by
8:38 PM
Labels: Caron Simply Soft Shadows, Mr. Greenjeans
Posted by
10:26 PM
We are still in the midst of a very busy weekend: I played 3 different services yesterday and have 2 more today. My husband played 2 yesterday and has 3 today. Tomorrow is better - just an afternoon rehearsal for Christmas Eve services. Then I fly up to NY on Tuesday and back on Wednesday with Mom. The last bit of holiday music begins again on Thursday with the ubiquitous Nutcrackers.
I felted Mom's clogs on Tuesday:
They are actually still damp at the toes. I think they turned out well - and this was an intentional felting! (poor little socks - I did shed a brief tear......)
And I am taking another run at Mr. Greenjeans for Mom. Since she is a wash and wear gal, I am knitting this in Caron Simply Soft Shadows. It is really a nice yarn - soft, pretty and not at all splitty.
I am impressed with this acrylic and may have to find a nice blue to knit My So Called Scarf (I have been eyeing that pattern for over a year now.)
I hope your weekend has been good, your Christmas shopping done and you are enjoying a knitting day.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: Felted Clogs, Mr. Greenjeans, Simply Soft
The Nutcrackers were fun and last week's symphony and church stuff went well. This weekend is all church playing.....
Have you done any Christmas shopping yet? I have done not a lick, nor have I thought about cards. Maybe I can get some and take with me next weekend to write while I am not holding the oboe up to my face.
In my spare time (yeah, right - at 9:00pm one evening) I managed to get a new publicity photo. The university has been requesting one so I figured I better get it done.
Enjoy your weekend -
Posted by
2:56 PM
Labels: Felting, Fiber Trend Clogs
If you look carefully, you can see my husband in the back on the right with silver hair. Although there is no photography allowed during performances, I snuck out my camera and surreptitiously took one during (I think) the Waltz of the Flowers. The angle is a bit wonky since I couldn't very well stand up and shoot at the stage.... You can see my colleague James' hands on his oboe and the stage and a few dancers in the back.
The next Nutcrackers I play are with the Metropolitan Classical Ballet in December. Mom will be here so I hope she will come to see a performance. She has never seen live ballet.....
Wednesday and Sunday are rehearsal and concert at FUMC with the Texas Boys Choir. And Thursday - Saturday is RSO. It should be some good uplifting music this week :-).
I hope your week ahead is a good one.
And I should have some knitting content for you next time
See you soon~
Posted by
10:43 PM
Labels: Nutcrackers
And Bamboozle Lace Panel Tunic for me.
Here is the start of the back.
Our busy season begins tomorrow with the first round of Nutcrackers. Then the next day off (no students, no rehearsals or performances) will be Christmas Day. Oh - I will fly to NY one day to get Mom and fly back the next with her. Those days don't really count as days off, do they? If my blogging is sparse for the next few weeks, please understand. I will try to stop by yours and leave comments.
If you haven't started your Mr. Greenjeans yet - now is the time :-) I have worn mine and felt all cosy and warm. The girls at my LYS thought it was a goody. I was pretty thrilled when Jill (the owner) asked me what pattern it was.
So, friends, have a wonderful holiday, enjoy your weekend and whatever else is going on.
Posted by
8:59 AM
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I really enjoyed knitting Tilia even on #2. I guess since I knit socks on #1 and #0, #2 didn't seem so small. Go figure. I did wear her on Saturday at Jim's Mother's 90th birthday party. The sweater got rave reviews - Jim made sure everyone knew I have knit it (he is a keeper.)
The only thing was that it stretched quite a bit and by the end of the night *really* needed to be smaller. If you are going to knit with Hempathy, I would suggest as small a needle as you can stand and knit a smaller size.
Here is Mr. Greenjeans: This was really quick - I think even with all the other distractions, it took me 2 weeks. Would have been sooner if Tilia had not been pressing. I used Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Charcoal with #7 and #6 needles. Since it is so chunky, I think it sweater makes me look even bigger than I am, but will be great for casual wear any winter day. That is if we ever get to winter here. Today is 80 degrees and tomorrow is forecast to be 84. Yikes!
And here is the cuff of one of Jim's socks:
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: Mr. Greenjeans
I am knitting this in Charcoal Cotton Ease on #7 needles. It is fast and seems like it will be cozy and casual for fall. The cable bottom:
Posted by
4:40 PM
Labels: Hempathy, Mr. Greenjeans, Tilia
I cast on Mr. Greenjeans and already have 4 of the 7 repeats done. It is moving very quickly - maybe I'll have 2 new sweaters for the Indiana trip :-)
I just spoke to Mom and she is planning to spend Christmas with us!! I will fly to wherever she changes planes to meet her and fly her here. She is still pretty darn good for an 87 year old, but I hate to see her negotiating the airports alone (or only with the aid of an airport porter). I felt sad that she spent Christmas alone last year since my brother had to work.
I hope to have more to post soon ~
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: blocking tilia
Here we are in the blocking stages (oh my gosh - I am so excited - you can't see me jumping around, can you?)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - Blogger can't upload any pictures right now! Rats!
I also started Mr GreenJeans in a charcoal colored Cotton Ease. Sorry, I can't show you that either.
Dratted Blogger. Grrrrrr.
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: blocking tilia, Mr. Greenjeans
My goal is to wear this to Indiana when we visit on Nov. 10 for my mother in law's 90th birthday celebration. Will I make it?
The next performance is tomorrow night - Brahms German Requiem. The Dallas Chamber Orchestra is accompanying the Plano Civic Choir in the performance. For a non-professional group of singers, they sound especially grand! It should be a moving evening.
Tomorrow morning is a recording session were I get to play with my dear friend and colleague Silly Ewe aka Sharon. It should be fun. I guess I better get in my studio and make some recording quality reeds for the morning.
Have a great weekend, y'all and leave me a note before you leave :-)
Posted by
3:58 PM
Labels: Brahms Requiem, Tilia
Posted by
7:12 PM
Labels: Tilia
Here is the completed Debbie Bliss Baby Bolero, all seamed up (thanks to your words of wisdom, Nancie!)
And a closer view of the lace-
I already have 6 repeats on the front finished and am determined to finish the front sooner rather than later.
It was really nice to hear from you all last week. I appreciate your well wishes and comments. Woodstock was in 1969 and I was a foolish 15 year old (yikes! now you know my age). But I was so lucky to be able to go and it sure was an event I will never forget. There was nothing to compare with seeing Jimi Hendrix play the Star Spangled Banner early that morning.
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: Baby Bolero, Nancie Wiseman, Tilia
Posted by
1:51 PM
Posted by
8:41 AM
Love this yarn: soft, squishy and pretty.
This week has been quite an experience in other ways - I have been coughing and wheezing to a point where it is bothersome. Being an Oboist who must be especially able to breathe well, I decided to go to a pulmonary specialist to see if he could figure out what is going on. He changed my blood pressure meds (coughing is a side effect!!) and gave me inhalers and nose spray. The inhaler helps, but the nose spray is gross. I have tests scheduled on Wednesday to see if this is asthma (runs in the women in my family) or what. Unfortunately I was a smoker for 20 years as the dr. so pointedly reminded me. I will let you know what transpires. Please think good thoughts.....
On the exciting news front - I have been offered an adjunct faculty position as oboe instructor at one of the state universities. Yes - I accepted! Now I am scrambling around trying to figure out what to write for my course syllabus.
As you see, things in our house have been pretty interesting this week..... I always love your comments, so if you have anything at all you want to say - please, please, please sign in and say it!
Talk to y'all later in the week.
Posted by
3:12 PM
Labels: Ribbed Lace socks, Tilia
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: Tilia
The pattern is Almost Argyle from Knit Picks.
And then I had nothing else on the needles, I decided to begin this:
It is Tilia from Elsebeth Lavold's Designer's Choice Book Eight.
And I have this much done:
I am using Hempathy in Rose.
So after lovely relaxing vacation, we are back in gear.
Students are all attending their lessons, schedules are firming up for the start of school, symphony contracts are coming in with repertoire lists and it is HOT, HOT, HOT here.
Sounds like August to me! Have a cool week y'all.
Posted by
2:21 PM
Labels: Amost Argyle Socks, Beach, Tilia