Monday, July 02, 2007

Blogger and Knitting

Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad

After some research and much consideration, I decided to stay here at Blogger. It seems all the free services have issues one way or another. It is somewhat comforting to know you all have the same issues with emails, spacing, etc. as I do. I also save (on my second address) the addresses of people who respond by email and reply that way.

I did look at the HaloScan forums and found that link you sent, Twig. Thanks for thinking of me and sending it. I tried pasting the html and it made things *very* wonky. Maybe because I really did not know where to paste it. So I did away with it. Blogger it is - at least for now.

Knitting Preview

Here is the almost finished Soleil. I decided to knit the neckline in a scoop instead of the V after reading comments on the Knitty Coffee Shop. Most everyone said the V was quite deep. I took Ballet Camisole (by the same designer) and will use that neck. I hope to finish tomorrow or Wednesday.

Wednesday is July 4th. While you are picnicking and listening to the orchestra while watching the fireworks, think of me as I will be working a symphony performance for the holiday.

Have a patriotic 4th of July!


Anonymous said...

I think the scoop neck will look good on Soleil. I'm not much of a low neckline type of gal. I do like the gathering on the ballet camisole. Are you doing it that way or will you be doing a "normal" scoop neck? Either way would look nice, I'll bet.

Knittinreed said...

I'm not sure which I will do - the way the pattern is written, you can decide after the knitting is done. I am leaning toward plain, but this can change :-)

Larjmarj said...

Thanks for the low down on the other blog sites. I just decided to re-vamp my page and take it from there.