The turkey breast was in the rotisserie

And came out delicious.

Whew! I'm glad no one caught me...
Knitting, reedmaking and daily doings by Doublereeder2 (AKA Cecioboe). Oh yes, and food. Did I mention food?
Whew! I'm glad no one caught me...
Posted by
11:03 PM
Labels: music, Nutcrackers, pie, Thanksgiving
Good Monday Everyone!
And here is a shot of the sleeves attached. I think this will be an FO very soon.
I love the tiny size of these flowers and the look of pansies. All in all, a perfect flower.
What are you all doing for Thanksgiving? We are having a friend eat with us and he and Jim will put up our Christmas lights. Then the seasonal insane schedule of rehearsals and performances begins. Nutcracker is Fri, Sat and Sun along with a rehearsal and performance with Sandi Patty.
I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with joy. I feel thankful for my beloved husband, wonderful mother and family, dear friends, both in person and cyber-space. My best wishes are with you all -
Posted by
1:40 PM
Labels: Cobblestone, ice queen, Nutcrackers, Sandi Patty
This was such a fun little knit, I actually stopped at the LYS yesterday after rehearsal and picked up another skein of KSH in black to knit another for another friend.
Here is a little bonus shot of Silly Ewe at Friday night's rehearsal. Note the amazing sweater she is wearing (for which she won a blue ribbon at the fair this year!)
Have a delightful week -
Posted by
9:13 AM
Labels: ice queen, Rowan Kidsilk Haze, Swarovski crystals
Sounds like it ought to be a joke, no?
I am ready to do the bind off, but need the rest of the beads before I can continue.
We decided to purchase a new dining room set after we gave the old one away and after lots of searching found this beautiful one from Broyhill.
We play in some beautiful settings although coming from a small town in upstate NY, I am amazed at the size of these churches. I think our little one could easily fit inside this a few times over!
I wanted to thank you for your comments about my health. I appreciate your good wishes :-) I am definitely almost done with the coughing but the dietary changes are a pain in the a$$. Things like not eating three hours before bed - I don't finish work until later than that many nights. And not wine at night! Rats!!! My favorite adult beverage! No acidic or spicy food - yeah, right! We live in Texas - so there are lots of great Tex-Mex places and delicious Italian food. I have even cut back to 1 1/2 cups of coffee in the morning (apparently caffeine also aggravates this condition). I have been faithfully taking the Nexium and now carry Rolaids around with me. If I know I am eating something I have been warned about, in go the Rolaids. So far, so good.
This is just another thing I have to discipline myself to do. Isn't enough that I am highly disciplined in my profession (practice and make reeds daily? Yes - every day!) and now I have to adhere to this too?!
As she drinks her morning coffee (bad girl!) she says, "I hope your day is a good one -"
Posted by
7:41 AM
Labels: ice queen, St. Andrews Methodist Church