Sunday, September 13, 2009

My First Spin In

I took my Scholar

And spun some Wensleydale

Unfortunately, I forgot to take the camera


Anonymous said...

How exciting! It would be nice to have someone around who spins.

Anonymous said...

I was reading a friend's blog, (Vi -Not a Shy Violet) and out of curiosity, I followed her link to your blog. I was so excited to see that you spin with an Ashford Scholar wheel. Why?

Because back in January of last year I was fortunate enough to come into the possession of the very same model spinning wheel, even though, at the time, I did not spin. I have learned since then, and I must admit I am loving it, and loving my wheel. Nice to find another spinner using a very good wheel, alas, no longer available.

Glad you had a fun time at Rhinebeck. :)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

That's a beautiful wheel,C. Thank you for the pictures of your yarn you are making. I *mumbles; coughs* have a sadly neglected little Loet.. *mumble*