Magic Stripes Ocean, #1 DPNs, knit in a Garter Rib from Sensational Knitted Socks, the heel is from Sally Melville Purl Book. I didn't model because these are too big for me.
There was a thread on KR about the speed at which we knit. I feel I am a slower knitter, a process knitter. But I CO the first sock last Thursday pm and finished tonight. So that makes 10 days for whatever that is worth!
My DH bought me a line counter (aka yarn meter) from a big fishing store for Christmas. I turned it into this:

Knit Picks sells one all set up for $49.99. Mine cost $12.99 (for the meter) and $.99 for the little wooden base. The rest of the wood came from our garage.
Here is a side view:
I used a 7/16" wooden dowel and two 3" pieces of 1X1 inch wood. I drilled holes in the 1X1s as well as the bottom of the 5" x 7" base (from Michaels) and screwed them on. I hollowed out the top of the 1X1s with my Dremel and glued the dowel on. The meter itself clamps right on and can be tightened down so it won't move. This is the exact same meter that is sold for the big $$. And yes, I shamelessly copied the KP version. No guilt here :-)