Friday, January 18, 2008

DSL Duh!

Thank you for all your great comments. The Barbie thing really was odd, but hey, a job is a job.
This weekend I am in Tyler performing with the East Texas Symphony. My dear friend Sharon is playing the Mozart Sinfonia Concertante and they needed another oboe. Lucky me - I play only that one tune and then I am done ;-) Should be home by 10:00 Saturday.
Fig - I am using Gedifra California yarn in #3111 (tobacco.) My LYS didn't have any Bamboozle yarn - I would love to try some, though. Bamboozle is moving along again since I ripped out both sleeves and started again, this time casting on only 40 sts instead of 48. The diameter of those sleeves were HUGE. They are better now, thank you.
Our Fiber Optic (DSL) has been down for the past 5 days due to some equipment failure by the provider. Last night it finally came back on. I cannot believe how crazy I felt with no internet access!
I hope to get a lot of Bamboozle done this weekend while sitting in this hotel room. I forgot to bring my camera, so sorry, but no pictures until Sunday.
It's off for a quick bite, then to the hall for rehearsal (I am taking my DH socks to knit while I wait). So later gators!


Larjmarj said...

I would lose my mind if my internet was out. Mr. Larj and I have often thought of having our puter' serviced but then we thought.....we would have to be without it for a few days....AUGGGHH!!!

Meredith said...

I hate it when my internet goes down just for a day--5 days would be terrible! Glad you were able to fix the sleeves on Bamboozle even if you did have to rip.

Debi said...

Bamboozle is very nice! I get mine from, you should try some!

Jessica said...

This is why I loved playing contra- one chart, little effort and all the cash. ;) Hope it was fun!