Yes folks, Barbie.
The arranger and producer of this concert was Arnie Roth (remember Mannheim Steamroller? That Arnie Roth - very talented and innovative.) It was a great way to introduce young children to classical music, but also very commercial. It seemed like a 90 minute advertisement for the Barbie movies. I didn't even know they made Barbie movies!
Here is your view if you had been in the audience:

But here is the view from my side - looking out into the audience:
So while I was not playing, I took a shot of the screen Barbie was being projected upon. This is a bit odd - from the back side and looking almost straight up:
We were performing in the beautiful
Bass Hall in Ft. Worth:
Enough about work - want to see the front of Bamboozle?

I have about 6" knit on both sleeves so far.... I am on a quest to get this puppy finished soon!
Thanks SO much for all your comments on the last entry. My Mom loved her sweater and we had a wonderful visit. I am so lucky that at 87 years old she is of sound mind and physically well enough to travel all the from NY to TX and visit us.
Sorry about the spacing on this entry - Blogger is just very odd for me when it comes to formatting..
I hope you have a Healthy and Happy New Year! Happy knitting, friends.