Thanksgiving was quiet for us. We went to The Old Warsaw for a nice dinner. While the food was excellent, we were disappointed in the service. When we had to request bread (all the other tables had it) and ask for water refills, they lost me. I really think our waiter wrote us off because we didn't order drinks.
The next three days were tied up with Nutcrackers. We have played all 20 productions with this company - they keep getting better and better. What an honor and thrill to be associated with them :-)
This was a positive note in a fall filled with disappointing orchestra news.
The Richardson Symphony, a group with whom I have played for 20 years decided to no longer bargain with the local chapter of the AF of M. It is an unfortunate turn of a professional orchestra into one made up of amateurs who call themselves professional but do not sound so. A colleague attended the first concert and said how tedious it was - while the strings played pretty well, the winds and brass played with no conviction and had intonation problems. I have mixed feelings - on one hand, I want to the orchestra to continue since it has been in existence for 49 years and is in my home town. On the other hand, we professionals were treated poorly and thrown away with no consideration for our loyalty and abilities. So I hope they sound horrible and fold. Unfortunately, the untrained listener can hardly tell the difference.
It is situations such as this that make me feel like when I stop playing professionally it will be a relief. I am usually a positive person, but this situation has really been eating me up.
On to knitting news---- I have finished two pair of Fiber Trend Felted Clogs for Christmas gifts for my cousin and his partner. And one pair for me too :-)