Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sneak Peek

You know what this, don't you?

Yessiree - the back and front of my Drops Cardigan #94-27! (Please pay no attention to the color - it is really much more attractive than it looks in this picture). I ran out of pins, so the sleeves will get their bit tomorrow or Monday. I can't believe the knitting is finished! Now I must figure out how to assemble the darn thing.

Any hints would be gratefully accepted even though I have the Vogue Knitting Book for guidance.

I hope your Easter is joyous.


Sharon said...

First of all a blessed Easter to you.

The cardigan looks great blocking away there. If I lived closer to you I would be over for a coffee and show you how to mattress stitch that all together. But as I am miles away I will just have to point you to a great tutorial

if you have any questions sing out, enjoy.

lobstah said...

Ooh, you're getting close now! Finishing is kind of a pain the first few times you do it...then you start getting into a rhythm and it's not so bad.
The order I assemble in is:
1) Use "fake grafting" to join the fronts to the back at the shoulders.
2) Mattress stitch the sleeve caps into the shoulder openings.
3) Mattress stitch the front to the back at the side seams and continue on to close up the sleeves.
No idea if this is 'proper' but it works for me.
Also, if something looks sloppy or wonky, pull it out and re-do. It's a pain but you'll be so much happier and it's easier to fix before the whole thing is put together.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Looks great! I have found that Nancie Wiseman's book of finishing techniques is the most helpful for me. Of course I still stink at finishing so I try not to do it.

Larjmarj said...

How exciting, I have never put a sweater together but I am sure you'll do fine. Can't wait to see you modeling.

Meredith said...

Yay! You're almost there. My only advice is to take your time and don't be afraid to rip out seams if you're not happy with them!